Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Why Is the Following Topic Suitable For a Research Paper?

Why Is the Following Topic Suitable For a Research Paper?The question why not? often comes up in research papers. In other words, why should you bother writing it? It might be an interesting topic, but how does one go about writing a paper that would possibly be of value to the journal they are submitting to?The answer to the question 'why' is that it is the purpose of every article that gets written. It is the reason why the authors go to school and pursue their research. The reason why they write these articles to start with. The reason why they're writing this article to begin with.Why should the author write about this topic? Why should the author expend time and effort in writing an article? The answer to why this should be the question for any person considering writing a research paper.The reason why is because if this isn't of use to the journal that wants to publish it, it will likely not be of use to them either. All this means is that you might as well not waste your time writing it, especially if you've spent enough time researching, and putting forth all that time and effort in the first place.The answer to 'why' doesn't stop at the title. If there is no reason to do so, don't write it. There are plenty of articles that are interesting, that get submitted and published with hardly any effort on the part of the writer.How a research paper gets submitted to a journal is down to the way that it is written. If the article is filled with keywords, that's one thing. However, if it is filled with no relevant keywords, then it's a real headache to thejournal's editors.The relevance of the keywords is not the only concern. It's the actual content of the article that matters. That's what determines whether the article will get published or not. To that end, there is nothing wrong with stuffing keywords into the article for the sake of being 'competitive' with others, but that doesn't mean that the article will be of interest to the reader.How a research pape r gets submitted to a journal is down to the quality of the article. There is no point in trying to get as many keywords in the article as possible.

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